來自台灣的年輕編舞家陳詠俐及其創辦的紐約舞團I-danse,受紐約Dixon Place 委託,製作全新世界首演舞作" TELLUS"
自10月9日至10月24日每週五、六於新Dixon Place 劇場(161A Chrystie Street, New York)演出。
§ Fridays, October 9, 16, 23 at 7:30pm
§ Saturdays, October 10, 17, 24 at 7:30pm
** 10/10兩人同行一人免費!並有18:30演出前酒會,購票請洽212 219-0736或上網預訂 https://www.ovationtix.com/trs/pr/680365/prm/LOMAL say "LOMAL" at the box office and be admitted for $20.
"TELLUS" 由I-danse 藝術總監陳詠俐編創,集結五位來自不同背景的美國優秀表演者共同呈現的新型態舞蹈。
Taipei Cultural Center would like to share one of the most promising young choreographers of Taiwan, Yung-li Chen, and the debut of "TELLUS" an ensemble dance project commissioned by Dixon Place in New York City. We hope you will join us for the unique "communication" on Oct. 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24 Fridays & Satudays @ Dixon Place (161A Chrystie Street, New York)
§ Fridays, October 9, 16, 23 at 7:30pm
§ Saturdays, October 10, 17, 24 at 7:30pm
*general admission - (Standard Price) $20.00, students & seniors $15.00
The October 10th TELLUS special event "2 for 1 tickets" and with the pre-performance reception starts at 6:30pm.
Tickets are $20 which admits 2 people. Reserve by clicking this link https://www.ovationtix.com/trs/pr/680365/prm/LOMAL
Two people can also say "LOMAL" at the box office and be admitted for $20.